DATA ANALYSIS AND DECISION MAKING is a teach-by-example approach, learner-friendly writing style, and complete Excel integration focusing on data analysis, modeling, and spreadsheet use in statistics and management science. The Premium Online Content Website (accessed by a unique code with every new book) includes links to the following add-ins: the Palisade Decision Tools Suite (@RISK, StatTools, PrecisionTree, TopRank, RISKOptimizer, NeuralTools, and Evolver) and SolverTable, allowing users to do sensitivity analysis. All of the add-ins is revised for Excel 2007 and notes about Excel 2010 are added where applicable.
Data Analysis and Decision Making - Textbook ONLY
- Auteur: S. Christian Albright, Wayne L. Winston
- ISBN: 978-0-538-47610-2
- Categorie: Livre
- Maison Edition: South-Western, Cengage Learning
- Ville Edition:
- Année Edition: 2009
- Domaine: Sciences de données