
Encyclopedia of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce

  • Auteur: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
  • ISBN: 1-59140-800-8
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Idea Group
  • Ville Edition: London
  • Année Edition: 2006
  • Domaine: Sciences Informatiques et technologies

The Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce provides the most inclusive and up-to-date coverage of the e-technologies field. This two-volume encyclopedia includes quality contributions highlighting current concepts, trends, challenges, applications, and dot-com experiences in the field of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce. With over 200 contributions from more than 300 experts and researchers worldwide, and extensive reference sections which list more than 4,400 additional research works, this encyclopedia stands as the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia in the ever-evolving field of e-commerce, e-government, and mobile commerce.


Algorithms for Optimization

  • Auteur: Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2019
  • Domaine: Sciences Informatiques et technologies

A comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms for the design of engineering systems. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms. The book approaches optimization from an engineering perspective, where the objective is to design a system that optimizes a set of metrics subject to constraints. Readers will learn about computational approaches for a range of challenges, including searching high-dimensional spaces, handling problems where there are multiple competing objectives, and accommodating uncertainty in the metrics. Figures, examples, and exercises convey the intuition behind the mathematical approaches. The text provides concrete implementations in the Julia programming language.


Big Data and Analytics: The key concepts and practical applications of big data analytics

  • Auteur: Dr. Jugnesh Kumar, Dr. Anubhav Kumar, Dr. Rinku Kumar
  • ISBN: 978-93-55516-176
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: BPB
  • Ville Edition: India
  • Année Edition: 2024
  • Domaine: Sciences de données

Big data and analytics is an indispensable guide that navigates the complex data management and analysis. This comprehensive book covers the core principles, processes, and tools, ensuring readers grasp the essentials and progress to advanced applications. It will help you understand the different analysis types like descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. Learn about NoSQL databases and their benefits over SQL. The book centers on Hadoop, explaining its features, versions, and main components like HDFS (storage) and MapReduce (processing). Explore MapReduce and YARN for efficient data processing. Gain insights into MongoDB and Hive, popular tools in the big data landscape.


La théorie de la décision

  • Auteur: Robert Kast
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: La Découverte
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2002
  • Domaine: Sciences de la psychologie et de l'éducation



Le bananier plantain Enjeux socio-économiques et techniques, expériences en Afrique intertropicale

  • Auteur: Moïse Kwa et Ludovic Temple
  • ISBN: 978-2-7592-2680-1
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Quæ
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2019
  • Domaine: Sciences Agronomiques, Environnementales et de développement

Les bananes plantains, consommées sous plusieurs formes, sont des productions centrales de l’alimentation des populations des régions intertropicales Selon les pays, dans les zones rurales, le plantain occupe entre la première et la quatrième place en termes d’importance alimentaire À la différence de la banane dessert qui fait l’objet d’un commerce mondial bien organisé, le plantain est peu présent sur les marchés internationaux En raison des potentialités d’amélioration des performances agronomiques et des enjeux de sécurité alimentaire en Afrique, la culture du plantain suscite l’intérêt croissant des pouvoirs publics, de la recherche agronomique et des entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire Cet engouement est aussi renforcé par l’inventaire des nombreux usages existants et potentiels dans la transformation artisanale et industrielle Ainsi les politiques publiques en Afrique subsaharienne et en Amérique latine intègrent désormais des programmes nationaux de soutien à cette production Elles manquent cependant de référentiels techniques actualisés

  • Maison Edition: McGraw-Hill Education
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2019
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

Traffic, highway, and transportation design principles and practical applications This comprehensive textbook clearly explains the many aspects of transportation systems planning, design, operation, and maintenance. Transportation Engineering: A Practical Approach to Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, and Systems Operations explores key topics, including geometric design for roadway alignment; traffic demand, flow, and control; and highway and intersection capacity. Emerging issues such as livable streets, automated vehicles, and smart cities are also discussed. You will get real-world case studies that highlight practical applications as well as valuable diagrams and tables that define transportation engineering terms and acronyms. Coverage includes: -An introduction to transportation engineering-Geometric design-Traffic flow theory-Traffic control-Capacity and level of service-Highway safety-Transportation demand-Transportation systems management and operations-Emerging topics


Distributed Computing Principles, Algorithms, and Systems

  • Auteur: Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mukesh Singhal
  • ISBN: 978-0-511-39341-9
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Cambrige University Press
  • Ville Edition: New York
  • Année Edition: 2008
  • Domaine: Sciences Informatiques et technologies

Designing distributed computing systems is a complex process requiring a solid understanding of the design problems and the theoretical and practical aspects of their solutions. This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental principles and models underlying the theory, algorithms and systems aspects of distributed computing. Broad and detailed coverage of the theory is balanced with practical systems-related issues such as mutual exclusion, deadlock detection, authentication, and failure recovery. Algorithms are carefully selected, lucidly presented, and described without complex proofs. Simple explanations and illustrations are used to elucidate the algorithms. Important emerging topics such as peer-to-peer networks and network security are also considered. With vital algorithms, numerous illustrations, examples and homework problems, this textbook is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of electrical and computer engineering and computer science. Practitioners in data networking and sensor networks will also find this a valuable resource.


Eduquer ou périr

  • ISBN: 2-7384-0644-0
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: L'Harmattan
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 1990
  • Domaine: Histoire de l'Afrique
