
Molecular and Cell Biology

  • Auteur: William Stansfield, Raul Cano, jaime Colome
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: McGraw-Hill
  • Ville Edition: New York
  • Année Edition: 2003
  • Domaine: Biologie et Chimie

Boiled-down essentials of the top-selling Schaum's Outline series, for the student with limited time What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its bigger predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form. Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights feature selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give students quick pointers to the essentials.


A second course in formal languages and automata theory

  • Auteur: Jeffrey Shallit
  • ISBN: 978-0-511-43700-7
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Cambrige University Press
  • Ville Edition: New York
  • Année Edition: 2009
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

Intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in computer science, A Second Course in Formal Languages and Automata Theory treats topics in the theory of computation not usually covered in a first course. After a review of basic concepts, the book covers combinatorics on words, regular languages, context-free languages, parsing and recognition, Turing machines, and other language classes. Many topics often absent from other textbooks, such as repetitions in words, state complexity, the interchange lemma, 2DPDAs, and the incompressibility method, are covered here. The author places particular emphasis on the resources needed to represent certain languages. The book also includes a diverse collection of more than 200 exercises, suggestions for term projects, and research problems that remain open.


L'art de bâtir les villes

  • Auteur: Camillo Sitte
  • ISBN: 2-02-029327-7
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Seuil
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 1996
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

L'Art de bâtir les villes (Der Städtebau nach seinen hünstlerischen Grundsätzen), publié par Camillo Sitte en 1889, demeure aujourd'hui 1er passage obligé de toute réflexion sur la ville. Il enregistre le début d'une mutation qui achève de s'accomplir sous nos yeux: la disparition de l'ancien statut de la ville comme entité isolable. D'autre part, il explore la dimension esthétique de l'urbanisme. Constatant sa laideur, il se demande s'il est possible de créer aujourd'hui un bel environnement urbain, et il interroge les " villes historiques " pour y chercher non des configurations déterminées mais des règles d'organisation, des relations constantes liant les pleins et les vides qui constituent le tissu urbain : affirmation des différences entre édifices, petits et grands, publics et privés, savants et populaires ; articulation de tous les éléments bâtis, clôture des vides, jeu des échelles... Ce livre peut ainsi concourir, en cette époque où la ville est menacée, à recréer les conditions d'une réflexion sur ce que pourraient être aujourd'hui sa beauté et sa convivialité.


The Art of Typography

  • Auteur: Martin Solomon
  • ISBN: 0-88108-119-1
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition:
  • Ville Edition: New York
  • Année Edition: 1994
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)



The Graphic Design

  • Auteur: Aaris Sherin, Irina Lee, Poppy Evans
  • ISBN: 978-1-59253-851-5
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Rockport Publishers
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2013
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

The Graphic Design Reference & Specification Book should always be next to a designers computer. Completely practical with only the most needed information, this valuable book provides designers with all the little details that can make or break a design, such as how much space to leave in the gutter when designing barrel folds, how to layout a template for a box, and the ratios of each part, as well as metric conversion charts, standard envelope sizes in the USA, Europe, Canada and Asia, and much more. This hardworking handbook is compact and accessible and is a must-have for any graphic designer.


Principles and Practice of Emergency Neurology Handbook for Emergency Physicians

  • Auteur: Sid M. Shah, Kevin M. Kelly
  • ISBN: 978-0-511-06521-7
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Cambrige University Press
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2003
  • Domaine: Sciences de la santé

The editors of Emergency Neurology bring their expertise to a handbook for the emergency department. The symptom-based emphasis guides the emergency physician in the diagnosis and management of common and complex neurological disorders. Integrating fundamental neurological concepts with the demands of emergency care, this reference tool recommends brief examination techniques. It provides critical information for emergency physicians diagnosing and managing neurologic disorders such as headache, seizure, and spinal cord injury.


New Architecture and Technology

  • Auteur: Gyula Sebestyen, Christopher Pollington
  • ISBN: 0 7506 5164 4
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Architectural Press
  • Ville Edition: Amsterdam
  • Année Edition: 2003
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

New Architecture and Technology traces the interrelationship between technological development and building design.• Understand the influence of technology through examples of contemporary buildings • Learn from the practical evaluation of successes and failures in modern architecture• Take inspiration from the explanation of current design trendsThe book explains how buildings and cities have evolved to meet the needs of people who use the latest technology. Not only do architects plan and design using newly-developed computer software, but their structures are built with modern construction techniques and continually-improving materials. Covering the full range of technologies from material science to telecommunications, this book explains the face of the contemporary city and points the way to future developments in architectural design.


Text Mining Approaches for Biomedical Data

  • Auteur: Aditi Sharan, Nidhi Malik, Hazra Imran, Indira Ghosh
  • ISBN: 978-981-97-3962-2
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Springer
  • Ville Edition: Singapore
  • Année Edition: 2024
  • Domaine: Sciences de données

The book 'Text Mining Approaches for Biomedical Data' delves into the fascinating realm of text mining in healthcare. It provides an in-depth understanding of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing healthcare research and patient care. The book covers a wide range of topics such as mining textual data in biomedical and health databases, analyzing literature and clinical trials, and demonstrating various applications of text mining in healthcare. This book is a guide for effectively representing textual data using vectors, knowledge graphs, and other advanced techniques. It covers various text mining applications, building descriptive and predictive models, and evaluating them. Additionally, it includes building machine learning models using textual data, covering statistical and deep learning approaches. This book is designed to be a valuable reference for computer science professionals, researchers in the biomedical field, and clinicians. It provides practical guidance and promotes collaboration between different disciplines. Therefore, it is a must-read for anyone who is interested in the intersection of text mining and healthcare.


Optimization modelling a practical approach

  • Auteur: Ruhul Amin Sarker, Charles S. Newton
  • ISBN: 978-1-4200-4310-5
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: CRC Press
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2008
  • Domaine: Intelligence Artificielle

Although a useful and important tool, the potential of mathematical modelling for decision making is often neglected. Considered an art by many and weird science by some, modelling is not as widely appreciated in problem solving and decision making as perhaps it should be. And although many operations research, management science, and optimization books touch on modelling techniques, the short shrift they usually get in coverage is reflected in their minimal application to problems in the real world. Illustrating the important influence of modelling on the decision making process, Optimization Modelling: A Practical Approach helps you come to grips with a wide range of modelling techniques. Highlighting the modelling aspects of optimization problems, the authors present the techniques in a clear and straightforward manner, illustrated by examples. They provide and analyze the formulation and modelling of a number of well-known theoretical and practical problems and touch on solution approaches. The book demonstrates the use of optimization packages through the solution of various mathematical models and provides an interpretation of some of those solutions. It presents the practical aspects and difficulties of problem solving and solution implementation and studies a number of practical problems. The book also discusses the use of available software packages in solving optimization models without going into difficult mathematical details and complex solution methodologies.