cart-product-1 Lecture Ready 3. Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-taking, and Discussion Auteur: Frazier Laurie, Leeming Shalle

ISBN: 978 0 19 441716 4

Maison Ed.: Oxford University Press

Ville Ed.: New York

Année Ed.: 2007

Domaine: Linguistique

Rayon: L

Catégorie: Livre

Even the most able student in a traditional classroom can feel overwhelmed and unprepared in an academic lecture. Oxford's new series. Lecture Ready: Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-taking, and Discussion, prepares students to encounter academic lectures with skill and confidence. Students attend actual lectures via DVD after practicing with targeted lecture language. The lectures include elements of natural speech, such as false starts and digressions, to aid students in recognizing and deciphering language that might otherwise distract them from the meaningful content of a lecture.

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