• Book

    Gestion de projet agile: avec Scrum, Lean, Extreme Programming...

    Auteur: Messager Véronique

    Gestion de projet agile: avec Scrum, Lean, Extreme Programming...

    • Auteur: Messager Véronique
    • ISBN: 978-2-212-13666-1

    Gestion de projet agile Des approches prédictives aux méthodes agiles Rassemblant plus de quinze années d'expérience en gestion de projet informatique, cet ouvrage, non sans rappeler les méthodologies traditionnelles - qui définissent à l'avance les besoins, les activités à réaliser, leur séquencement, les rôles et les livrables à produire -, introduit aux méthodes agiles, dont le succès s'affirme d'année en année. Ces dernières prennent le contre-pied des méthodes prédictives en évitant une définition trop précoce et figée des besoins ; elles ont montré une surprenante efficacité en pariant sur la souplesse des équipes. Un repère pour le chef de projet informatique Ce guide aidera les chefs de projet, chevronnés ou débutant dans le métier, à évaluer et améliorer leurs compétences en gestion de projet. Il guidera également architectes, analystes, développeurs ou testeurs dans la conduite de leurs projets, ainsi que tous les clients ou experts métier non informaticiens souhaitant appréhender rapidement les enjeux et la répartition des rôles au sein d'un projet. Un livre incontournable pour les chefs de projet qui souhaitent évoluer vers les méthodes agiles !

  • Book

    UML 2 pour les bases de données

    Auteur: Christian Soutou

    UML 2 pour les bases de données

    • Auteur: Christian Soutou
    • ISBN: 978-2-212-13413-1


  • Book


    Auteur: Johnson Orge


    • Auteur: Johnson Orge
    • ISBN:

    Soyez en ligne soudainement. Tous vos moyens en ligne sont suivis et rangés, et votre personnalité dans un sens réel prise. D'énormes organisations et de grands États doivent être conscients et exploiter ce que vous faites, et la sécurité est une extravagance que peu de gens peuvent gérer ou comprendre. Dans ce livre dangereux mais viable, Kevin Mitnick utilise de véritables biographies pour montrer exactement ce qui se passe sans votre perspicacité, vous éduquant "la spécialité de l'imperceptibilité" - - sur le Web et de véritables stratégies pour vous protéger, vous et votre famille, en utilisant des tâches simples. directives par étapes. En parcourant ce livre, vous gagnerez tout, de la sécurité des mots secrets et de l'utilisation avisée du Wi-Fi aux méthodes de pointe destinées à amplifier votre obscurité. Johnson grain sait précisément comment tirer parti des faiblesses et exactement comment éviter que cela ne se produise. Programmeur de PC généralement bien connu dans le monde - et auparavant généralement nécessaire au gouvernement américain -, il a piraté une partie des organisations et organisations les plus impressionnantes et apparemment invulnérables du pays, et à un moment donné, il était sur une course de trois ans depuis le FBI. Actuellement, le grain de Johnson est amélioré et généralement considéré comme le maître en matière de sécurité des PC. L'imperceptibilité n'est pas réservée aux super-héros ; la protection est un pouvoir que vous méritez et dont vous avez besoin à l'époque de Big Brother et du Big Data.

  • Book

    UML 2 - Modélisation des objets

    Auteur: Laurent Debrauwer

    UML 2 - Modélisation des objets

    • Auteur: Laurent Debrauwer
    • ISBN: 978 2 7460 5474 5

    Ce livre est extrait du titre UML2 - Initiation, exemples et corrigés dans la collection Ressources Informatiques aux Editions ENI. Si vous pratiquez la modélisation de systèmes, il vous donnera les moyens d'apprendre UML 2 et de vous exercer. Si vous êtes débutant, aucun pré-requis particulier n'est nécessaire. Si vous connaissez déjà la première version d'UML, le livre vous apprendra à tirer profit des extensions apportées par la version 2. Si vous avez déjà travaillé avec le modèle entités-relations, vous découvrirez la puissance apportée par UML 2 en modélisation des objets.

  • Book

    UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

    Auteur: Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt

    UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

    • Auteur: Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt
    • ISBN: 0 321 32127 8

    "This book manages to convey the practical use of UML 2 in clear and understandable terms with many examples and guidelines. Even for people not working with the Unified Process, the book is still of great use. UML 2 and the Unified Process, Second Edition is a must-read for every UML 2 beginner and a helpful guide and reference for the experienced practitioner."--Roland Leibundgut, Technical Director, Zuehlke Engineering Ltd."This book is a good starting point for organizations and individuals who are adopting UP and need to understand how to provide visualization of the different aspects needed to satisfy it. "--Eric Naiburg, Market Manager, Desktop Products, IBM Rational SoftwareThis thoroughly revised edition provides an indispensable and practical guide to the complex process of object-oriented analysis and design using UML 2. It describes how the process of OO analysis and design fits into the software development lifecycle as defined by the Unified Process (UP).UML 2 and the Unified Process contains a wealth of practical, powerful, and useful techniques that you can apply immediately. As you progress through the text, you will learn OO analysis and design techniques, UML syntax and semantics, and the relevant aspects of the UP. The book provides you with an accurate and succinct summary of both UML and UP from the point of view of the OO analyst and designer.This book providesChapter roadmaps, detailed diagrams, and margin notes allowing you to focus on your needsOutline summaries for each chapter, making it ideal for revision, and a comprehensive index that can be used as a referenceNew to this edition:Completely revised and updated for UML 2 syntaxEasy to understand explanations of the new UML 2 semanticsMore real-world examplesA new section on the Object Constraint Language (OCL)Introductory material on the OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA)The accompanying website providesA complete example of a simple e-commerce systemOpen source tools for requirements engineering and use case modelingIndustrial-strength UML course materials based on the book

  • Book

    UML 2 Semantics and Applications

    Auteur: Kevin Lano

    UML 2 Semantics and Applications

    • Auteur: Kevin Lano
    • ISBN: 978–0–470–40908–4

    With an up-to-date view of the results of UML semantics and the practical applications of semantics development, this book presents the only coherent and integrated account of the leading UML 2 semantics work and its applications. With contributions from renowned experts in the area of UML 2 semantics and its applications, the book covers semantics of UML 2 diagrams, OCL, state machine diagrams, interactions, use cases, and activities. "UML Semantics and Applications" is an excellent reference for researchers and students in the model-driven development community.

  • Book

    IoT Standards with Blockchain: Enterprise Methodology for Internet of Things

    Auteur: Venkatesh Upadrista

    IoT Standards with Blockchain: Enterprise Methodology for Internet of Things

    • Auteur: Venkatesh Upadrista
    • ISBN: 978-1-4842-7271-8

    Implement a standardized end-to-end IoT implementation based on best practices and proven successes in IoT across multiple industries. With this book you'll discover the three business strategies for enterprises to adopt and remain relevant in the marketspace ?the Customer Engagement strategy, the Business Transformation strategy, and the Business Productivity Improvement strategy. Pick the right strategy for your enterprise to ensure a clear mission and vision is established based on which IoT roadmap can be defined. Subsequently all business processes pertaining to the chosen business strategy are investigated to define use cases where IoT can be adopted to achieve that business strategy. Start by learning the generic industry perspective on digital transformation using IoT. Then move on to the IoT Standards Reference Model. It’s an abstract framework consisting of an interlinked set of clearly defined components for enterprises to successfully implement an IoT solution. The IoT Standards Reference Model can be applied for IoT use cases across any industry and is kept abstract in order to enable many, potentially different, IoT architectures to be implemented based on the model.

  • Book

    The Internet of Things

    Auteur: Rob van Kranenburg

    The Internet of Things

    • Auteur: Rob van Kranenburg
    • ISBN: 978-90-78146-06-3

    Cities across the world are about to enter the next phase of their development. A near invisible network of radio frequency identification tags (RFID) is being deployed on almost every type of consumer item. These tiny, traceable chips, which can be scanned wirelessly, are being produced in their billions and are capable of being connected to the internet in an instant. This so-called ambient intelligence promises to create a global network of physical objects every bit as pervasive and ubiquitous as the worldwide web itself. Some are already calling this controversial network the internet of things. Van Kranenburg examines what impact RFID, and other systems, will have on our cities and our wider society; while also ruminating on what alternative network technologies could help safeguard our privacy and empower citizens to take power back into their own hands. Its both a timely warning and a call to arms.

  • Book

    PHP and MySQL Programming. From Beginner to Pro

    Auteur: Eric Garcia

    PHP and MySQL Programming. From Beginner to Pro

    • Auteur: Eric Garcia
    • ISBN:

    "PHP and MySQL Programming: From Beginner to Pro: Unlocking the Power of Server-Side Scripting" is your comprehensive guide to mastering the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL and harnessing their full potential to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. This book is meticulously designed to transform beginners with a basic understanding of web development into proficient developers who can confidently navigate the complexities of server-side scripting and database management. Starting with the basics, this guide introduces you to the core concepts of PHP programming, from syntax and variable types to control structures and functions. You'll learn how to craft PHP scripts that interact seamlessly with web pages, managing form data, sessions, and cookies to create a dynamic user experience. Parallelly, the book delves into MySQL, teaching you how to design, create, and manage databases that serve as the backbone for storing and retrieving data for your web applications. As you progress, "PHP and MySQL Programming" gradually introduces more advanced topics, ensuring a smooth learning curve. You'll explore effective database interaction using PHP, implementing CRUD operations, and mastering SQL queries to manipulate data efficiently. The book also covers essential security practices to protect your applications from common vulnerabilities, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge to develop secure, reliable web solutions. Practical examples and real-world projects are woven throughout the chapters, allowing you to apply the concepts you've learned in meaningful ways. By the end of this journey, you'll have a solid foundation in PHP and MySQL, armed with the skills to develop interactive websites, manage user data, and create web applications that respond in real-time to user input.

  • Book

    MySQL Crash Course: A Hands-On Introduction to Database Development

    Auteur: Rick Silva

    MySQL Crash Course: A Hands-On Introduction to Database Development

    • Auteur: Rick Silva
    • ISBN: 978-1-7185-0301-4

    With databases lurking in the background of every website, knowing how to manage them with MySQL is a no-brainer. This practical, hands-on introduction teaches readers all they need to know.MySQL Crash Course is a fast-paced, no-nonsense introduction to relational database development. It’s filled withpractical examples and expert advice that will have you up and running quickly.You’ll learn the basics of SQL, how to create a database, craft SQL queries to extract data, and work with events,procedures, and functions. You’ll see how to add constraints to tables to enforce rules about permitted data and useindexes to accelerate data retrieval. You’ll even explore how to call MySQL from PHP, Python, and Java.Three final projects will show you how to build a weather database from scratch, use triggers to prevent errors in anelection database, and use views to protect sensitive data in a salary database.You’ll also learn how...

  • Book

    Designing Event-Driven Systems: Concepts and Patterns for Streaming Services with Apache Kafka

    Auteur: Ben Stopford

  • Book

    Internet of Things Vulnerabilities and Recovery Strategies

    Auteur: Fahim Masoodi (editor) et al.

    Internet of Things Vulnerabilities and Recovery Strategies

    • Auteur: Fahim Masoodi (editor) et al.
    • ISBN: 9781032473314

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a widely distributed and networked system of interrelated and interacting computing devices and objects. Because of IoT’s broad scope, it presents unique security problems, ranging from unsecure devices to users vulnerable to hackers. Presenting cutting- edge research to meet these challenges, Internet of Things Vulnerabilities and Recovery Strategies presents models of attack on IoT systems and solutions to prevent such attacks. Examining the requirements to secure IoT- systems, the book offers recovery strategies and addresses security. The book takes a holistic approach that encompasses visibility, segmentation, and protection. In addition to visual approaches and policy- driven measures, the book looks at developing secure and fault- tolerant IoT devices. It examines how to locate faults and presents mitigation strategies, as well as security models to prevent and thwart hacking. The book also examines security issues related to IoT systems and device maintenance.