Algorithmique: Raisonner pour concevoir
- Auteur: Haro Christophe
- Categorie: Livre
- Maison Edition: ENI
- Ville Edition:
- Année Edition: 2009
- Domaine: Sciences Informatiques et technologies
Over the past decade, since the publication of the first edition, there have been new advances in solving complex geoinformatics problems. Advancements in computing power, computing platforms, mathematical models, statistical models, geospatial algorithms, and the availability of data in various domains, among other things, have aided in the automation of complex real-world tasks and decision-making that inherently rely on geospatial data. Of the many fields benefiting from these latest advancements, machine learning, particularly deep learning, virtual reality, and game engine, have increasingly gained the interest of many researchers and practitioners. This revised new edition provides up-to-date knowledge on the latest developments related to these three fields for solving geoinformatics problems.
The role of data and information and communication technology (ICT) is growing in all areas of transport, with autonomous vehicles among the most advanced examples. This opens up opportunities for malevolent interference, such as remote-control of vehicles for criminal or terrorist purposes or interruption of increasingly interconnected transport systems. It is therefore imperative that cybersecurity is upgraded and designed into new systems. Focusing on the management of security and the principles of security technologies in the context of transport systems, this book equips readers with an understanding of what management actions need to be taken and the sort of technologies available to defend against cyberattacks. To improve their decision making, managers need to understand how security practices and technologies work, so the book spans a range of areas: from regulations to security management, to the principles of selected technologies. Cybersecurity in Transport Systems provides insights across multiple modes of transport, including insight from seasoned practitioners. It also addresses advances and themes in current research and the future outlook as we move to increasing digital transformation. The book is aimed at managers in the transport sector but is widely applicable to other sectors, especially those that are safety critical. Much of the book will be useful to students considering careers in industries that rely on information technology, and to researchers in academia and industry.
Rivers are an excellent witness of the dynamics affecting Earth’s surface due to their sedimentary products and morphological expression, which may be considered as fluvial archives Until now, the focus has been on evaluating the general impact of individual external factors However, the importance of the specific environmental characteristics of these factors has become increasingly recognized, as highlighted in recent case studies For example, the effects of regional climate, differentiated topography and vegetation, and frozen ground appear to play an essential role in the evolution of the fluvial system Integration of such environmental conditions in the processes that were active within the complex fluvial system will open new perspectives in our progressive understanding of the evolution of landscape form, ecology, sediment fluxes, and hydrology of the system within the framework of the external drivers such as tectonics, general climate, and human activity This is an appealing challenge that we wish to address in the present Special Issue under the aegis of the Fluvial Archives Group (FLAG)
La betterave sucrière est une filière indispensable de l’agriculture et de l’industrie agroalimentaire française Localisée dans les plaines fertiles où elle contribue à maintenir une diversité des productions, cette filière se transforme pour répondre aux enjeux économiques et environnementaux La filière a misé sur l’innovation pour optimiser la production et la transformation, en exploitant au maximum les économies d’échelle, avec l’objectif de maintenir des usines au cœur des zones de production L’innovation porte ses fruits Sur une décennie, l’amélioration des rendements s’est réalisée tout en diminuant son impact environnemental, avec une forte réduction de la fertilisation azotée Les progrès en agroéquipements y sont aussi remarquables C’est bien sûr le cas pour les machines de récolte, pour le développement du désherbage mécanique, avec guidage laser et bientôt la reconnaissance d’adventices, qui pourra à court terme irriguer les autres productions Mais, plus que tout, le progrès génétique a été absolument considérable, pour cette espèce à domestication récente Le programme AKER, retenu en 2012 dans le cadre du Programme d’investissements d’avenir Biotechnologies-bioressources, a particulièrement contribué à ces innovations Les nouvelles variétés qui émanent de ce programme, plus productives et plus résistantes aux maladies, offrent de grandes perspectives à l’ensemble de la filière En mobilisant des technologies de génotypage et de phénotypage à haut débit, et en explorant la diversité génétique, le programme AKER a contribué et contribue à la reconnaissance du rôle de la biodiversité, qui est le cœur de l’agroécologie
This publication, commonly referred to as the “Green Book,” contains the current design research and practices for highway and street geometric design. The document provides guidance to highway engineers and designers who strive to make unique design solutions that meet the needs of highway users while maintaining the integrity of the environment. It is also intended as a comprehensive reference manual to assist in administrative, planning, and educational efforts pertaining to design formulation. Design guidelines are included for freeways, arterials, collectors, and local roads, in both urban and rural locations, paralleling the functional classification used in highway planning. The book, similarly, is also organized into the following functional chapters to stress the relationship between highway design and function: Highway Functions, Design Controls and Criteria, Elements of Design, Cross-Section Elements, Local Roads and Streets, Collector Roads and Streets, Rural and Urban Arterials, Freeways, Intersections, and Grade Separations and Interchanges. It includes the 2013 Errata.