
Flask Web Development Developing Web Applications with Python

  • Auteur: Miguel Grinberg
  • ISBN: 978-1-491-99173-2
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: O’Reilly
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2018
  • Domaine: Programmation Python

ake full creative control of your web applications with Flask, the Python-based microframework. With the second edition of this hands-on book, you'll learn the framework from the ground up by developing, step-by-step, a real-world project created by author Miguel Grinberg. You'll learn the framework's core functionality, as well as how to extend applications with advanced web techniques such as database migration and web service communication.


Data science par la pratique

  • Auteur: Joel Grus
  • ISBN: 978-2-212-67907-6
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Eyrolles
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2020
  • Domaine: Science de données



Professional Web APIs: Google, eBay,, MapPoint, FedEx

  • Auteur: Denise Gosnell
  • ISBN: 978-0-7645-8445-9
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Wiley
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2005
  • Domaine: Programmation web

Wrox's Professional Development with Web APIs teaches programmers how to incorporate the power of Google, eBay,, MapPoint, FedEx and other popular services into their own applications.Certified Microsoft Developer and veteran Wrox author Denise Gosnell, skillfully guides readers through the ins and out of the various services, which features are available via the APIs, the anatomy of an API query, and how to get results from your own applications. Once the basics are covered, readers will learn more advanced techniques such as calling the APIs from mobile devices, Office VBA programs, Windows Forms and web applications, and even how to integrate the various APIs together for a complete solution.Finally, readers will build 2 fully functional case study applications to apply what they have learned - one a Windows program, the other a web application.Examples are presented in Visual Basic .NET, as a general programming language that most programmers can understand and apply to their own development. API calls, queries, and access are standard regardless of programming language choice.As an added bonus for .NET developers, C# code, as well as the Visual Basic .NET examples will also be available for download at


Développer avec les API Google Maps - Applications web, iPhone iPad et Android

  • Auteur: Fabien Goblet, Michel Dirix, Loïc Goblet, Jean-Philippe Moreux
  • ISBN: 978-2-10-055682-3
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Dunod
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2010
  • Domaine: Programmation web

Lancées en juin 2005, les API (Application Programming Interface) Google Maps permettent aux développeurs de réaliser des applications basées sur les cartes numériques de Google. Il est ainsi devenu possible d’intégrer facilement des données géolocalisées sur un fond de carte Google Maps dans un site web, qu’il soit à finalité professionnelle ou personnelle. Google vient de publier la version 3 de ces API qui proposent notamment un meilleur support des périphériques mobiles (iPhone, Android, etc.).Cet ouvrage décrit l’essentiel des fonctions et de ces outils de développement, en se focalisant notamment sur les nouveaux usages rendus possibles par le succès des smartphones.


Teaching Speaking and Listening in the Primary School

  • Auteur: Elizabeth Grugeon, Lyn Dawes, Carol Smith, and Lorraine Hubbard
  • ISBN: 1 84312 255 3
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: David Fulton
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2005
  • Domaine: Linguistique

Speaking and listening, along with reading and writing, are essential components of literacy and learning development within the National Primary Strategy. This best-selling introductory text updates teachers on national developments and best practice in speaking and listening in the classroom through: speaking and listening issues: a review story-telling and drama oral and popular culture and media planning for talk across the curriculum the impact of ICT: software, email, internet, computer games.


Révolution aéronautique, le défi de l'environnement

  • Auteur: Yves Galland, Gilles Roy
  • ISBN: 978-2-7440-4041-2
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Pearson Education
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2008
  • Domaine: Sciences Agronomiques, Environnementales et de développement



Le pouvoir en droit privé

  • Auteur: Emmanuel Gaillard
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Economica
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 1985
  • Domaine: Droit Civil



Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

  • Auteur: Igor Goychuk, Peter Hänggi
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition:
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2000
  • Domaine: Biologie et Chimie

The theory of stochastic processes originally grew out of efforts to describe Brownian motion quantitatively. Today it provides a huge arsenal of methods suitable for analyzing the influence of noise on a wide range of systems. The credit for acquiring all the deep insights and powerful methods is due ma- ly to a handful of physicists and mathematicians: Einstein, Smoluchowski, Langevin, Wiener, Stratonovich, etc. Hence it is no surprise that until - cently the bulk of basic and applied stochastic research was devoted to purely mathematical and physical questions. However, in the last decade we have witnessed an enormous growth of results achieved in other sciences - especially chemistry and biology - based on applying methods of stochastic processes. One reason for this stochastics boom may be that the realization that noise plays a constructive rather than the expected deteriorating role has spread to communities beyond physics. Besides their aesthetic appeal these noise-induced, noise-supported or noise-enhanced effects sometimes offer an explanation for so far open pr- lems (information transmission in the nervous system and information p- cessing in the brain, processes at the cell level, enzymatic reactions, etc.). They may also pave the way to novel technological applications (noise-- hanced reaction rates, noise-induced transport and separation on the na- scale, etc.). Key words to be mentioned in this context are stochastic r- onance, Brownian motors or ratchets, and noise-supported phenomena in excitable systems.