
Teaching Speaking and Listening in the Primary School

  • Auteur: Elizabeth Grugeon, Lyn Dawes, Carol Smith, and Lorraine Hubbard
  • ISBN: 1 84312 255 3
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: David Fulton
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2005
  • Domaine: Linguistique

Speaking and listening, along with reading and writing, are essential components of literacy and learning development within the National Primary Strategy. This best-selling introductory text updates teachers on national developments and best practice in speaking and listening in the classroom through: speaking and listening issues: a review story-telling and drama oral and popular culture and media planning for talk across the curriculum the impact of ICT: software, email, internet, computer games.


Révolution aéronautique, le défi de l'environnement

  • Auteur: Yves Galland, Gilles Roy
  • ISBN: 978-2-7440-4041-2
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Pearson Education
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2008
  • Domaine: Sciences Agronomiques, Environnementales et de développement



Le pouvoir en droit privé

  • Auteur: Emmanuel Gaillard
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Economica
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 1985
  • Domaine: Droit Civil



Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

  • Auteur: Igor Goychuk, Peter Hänggi
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition:
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2000
  • Domaine: Biologie et Chimie

The theory of stochastic processes originally grew out of efforts to describe Brownian motion quantitatively. Today it provides a huge arsenal of methods suitable for analyzing the influence of noise on a wide range of systems. The credit for acquiring all the deep insights and powerful methods is due ma- ly to a handful of physicists and mathematicians: Einstein, Smoluchowski, Langevin, Wiener, Stratonovich, etc. Hence it is no surprise that until - cently the bulk of basic and applied stochastic research was devoted to purely mathematical and physical questions. However, in the last decade we have witnessed an enormous growth of results achieved in other sciences - especially chemistry and biology - based on applying methods of stochastic processes. One reason for this stochastics boom may be that the realization that noise plays a constructive rather than the expected deteriorating role has spread to communities beyond physics. Besides their aesthetic appeal these noise-induced, noise-supported or noise-enhanced effects sometimes offer an explanation for so far open pr- lems (information transmission in the nervous system and information p- cessing in the brain, processes at the cell level, enzymatic reactions, etc.). They may also pave the way to novel technological applications (noise-- hanced reaction rates, noise-induced transport and separation on the na- scale, etc.). Key words to be mentioned in this context are stochastic r- onance, Brownian motors or ratchets, and noise-supported phenomena in excitable systems.


PHP and MySQL Programming. From Beginner to Pro

  • Auteur: Eric Garcia
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Independently Published
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2023
  • Domaine: Sciences Informatiques et technologies

"PHP and MySQL Programming: From Beginner to Pro: Unlocking the Power of Server-Side Scripting" is your comprehensive guide to mastering the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL and harnessing their full potential to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. This book is meticulously designed to transform beginners with a basic understanding of web development into proficient developers who can confidently navigate the complexities of server-side scripting and database management. Starting with the basics, this guide introduces you to the core concepts of PHP programming, from syntax and variable types to control structures and functions. You'll learn how to craft PHP scripts that interact seamlessly with web pages, managing form data, sessions, and cookies to create a dynamic user experience. Parallelly, the book delves into MySQL, teaching you how to design, create, and manage databases that serve as the backbone for storing and retrieving data for your web applications. As you progress, "PHP and MySQL Programming" gradually introduces more advanced topics, ensuring a smooth learning curve. You'll explore effective database interaction using PHP, implementing CRUD operations, and mastering SQL queries to manipulate data efficiently. The book also covers essential security practices to protect your applications from common vulnerabilities, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge to develop secure, reliable web solutions. Practical examples and real-world projects are woven throughout the chapters, allowing you to apply the concepts you've learned in meaningful ways. By the end of this journey, you'll have a solid foundation in PHP and MySQL, armed with the skills to develop interactive websites, manage user data, and create web applications that respond in real-time to user input.


Manipuler et séduire : Petit traité de psychologie comportementale

  • Auteur: Nicolas Guéguen
  • ISBN: 9782080242211
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Flammarion
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2022
  • Domaine: Sciences de la psychologie et de l'éducation

Le saviez-vous ? Une paire de lunettes, une poignée de main ou un simple sourire peuvent nous influencer. Au quotidien, nous sommes constamment manipulés par des éléments de contexte ou des facteurs sociaux subtils ou triviaux en apparence : un timbre de voix, une odeur de pain grillé voire une couleur vive suffisent à nous faire changer d'avis. La psychologie sociale montre que les décisions et les comportements humains ne sont pas totalement rationnels et contrôlés. Preuves à l'appui, Nicolas Guéguen nous dévoile toutes les facettes de la séduction, qui n'est autre qu'une forme de manipulation, et nous livre une panoplie d'astuces pour arriver à nos fins, de la flatterie à l'humour en passant par la posture et le regard. Manipuler et séduire sont notre lot quotidien, mieux vaut savoir en jouer qu'en être dupes !


Internet of Things: Robotic and Drone Technology

  • Auteur: Nitin Goyal, Sharad Sharma, Arun Kumar Rana, Suman Lata Tripathi
  • ISBN: 9780367754532
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: CRC Press
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2021
  • Domaine: Intelligence Artificielle

This reference text discusses intelligent robotic and drone technology with embedded Internet of Things (IoT) for smart applications. The text discusses future directions of optimization methods with various engineering and science fundamentals used in robotics and drone-based applications. Its emphasis is on covering deep learning and similar models of neural network-based learning techniques employed in solving optimization problems of different engineering and science applications. It covers important topics including sensors and actuators in the internet of things (IoT), internet-of-robotics-things (IoRT), IoT in agriculture and food processing, routing challenges in flying Ad-hoc networks, and smart cities. The book will serve as a useful text for graduate students and professionals in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics engineering, computer science, and mechanical engineering.


Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Handbook

  • Auteur: D. Yogi Goswami, Frank Kreith
  • ISBN: 978-1-4665-8509-6
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: CRC Press
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2016
  • Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

For the Movers, Shakers, and Policy Makers in Energy Engineering and Related Industries The latest version of a bestselling reference, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Handbook, Second Edition covers the foremost trends and technologies in energy engineering today. This new edition contains the latest material on energy planning and policy, with a focus on renewable and sustainable energy sources. It also examines nuclear energy and its place in future energy systems, includes a chapter on natural gas, and provides extensive coverage of energy storage for numerous forms of energy generation. The text also provides energy supply, demand, and pricing factor projections for the future. Explore the Future of Global Energy The authors address problems that industry now faces, including the limited availability of conventional energy resources such as oil, natural gas, and coal, and considers renewable energies such as wind power, solar energy, and biomass. They also illustrate the economics of energy efficiency, discuss the financial energy policies of various countries, consider the role of energy conservation in energy strategies, and examine the future of renewable energy technologies to build a sustainable energy system.