
L'unité de l'homme I. Le primate et l'homme

  • Auteur: Edgar Morin, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini
  • ISBN: 2-02-004822-1
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Seuil
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 1974
  • Domaine: Sciences humaines (Philosophie)



Le cinéma ou l'homme imaginaire : Essai d'anthropologie sociologique

  • Auteur: Edgar Morin
  • ISBN: 2-7073-0210-0
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Minuit
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 1978
  • Domaine: Sciences humaines (Philosophie)

L’art du cinéma, l’industrie du film ne sont que les parties émergées à notre conscience d’un phénomène qu’il nous faut essayer de saisir dans sa plénitude. Mais la partie immergée, cette évidence obscure, se confond avec notre propre substance humaine, elle-même évidente et obscure, comme le battement de notre cœur, les passions de notre âme. Avec le cinéma nous entrons dans les ténèbres d’une grotte artificielle. Une poussière lumineuse se projette et danse sur un écran ; nos regards s’y abreuvent ; elle prend corps et vie ; elle nous entraîne dans une aventure errante : nous franchissons les temps et les espaces, jusqu’à ce qu’une musique solennelle dissolve les ombres sur la toile redevenue blanche. Nous sortons, et nous parlons des qualités et des défauts d’un film. Interroger le cinéma, l’envisager dans sa totalité humaine, tel est le dessein du présent ouvrage.


L'intelligence de la complexité

  • Auteur: Edgar Morin
  • ISBN: 2-7384-8085-3
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: L'Harmattan
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 1999
  • Domaine: Sciences humaines (Philosophie)



Fundamental Mathematical Concepts for Machine Learning in Science

  • Auteur: Umberto Michelucci
  • ISBN: 978-3-031-56431-4
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Springer
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2024
  • Domaine: Intelligence Artificielle

This book is for individuals with a scientific background who aspire to apply machine learning within various natural science disciplines—such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychology and many more. It elucidates core mathematical concepts in an accessible and straightforward manner, maintaining rigorous mathematical integrity. For readers more versed in mathematics, the book includes advanced sections that are not prerequisites for the initial reading. It ensures concepts are clearly defined and theorems are proven where it's pertinent. Machine learning transcends the mere implementation and training of algorithms; it encompasses the broader challenges of constructing robust datasets, model validation, addressing imbalanced datasets, and fine-tuning hyperparameters. These topics are thoroughly examined within the text, along with the theoretical foundations underlying these methods. Rather than concentrating on particular algorithms this book focuses on the comprehensive concepts and theories essential for their application. It stands as an indispensable resource for any scientist keen on integrating machine learning effectively into their research. Numerous texts delve into the technical execution of machine learning algorithms, often overlooking the foundational concepts vital for fully grasping these methods. This leads to a gap in using these algorithms effectively across diverse disciplines. For instance, a firm grasp of calculus is imperative to comprehend the training processes of algorithms and neural networks, while linear algebra is essential for the application and efficient training of various algorithms, including neural networks. Absent a solid mathematical base, machine learning applications may be, at best, cursory, or at worst, fundamentally flawed. This book lays the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of machine learning algorithms and approaches.


The Polyandrous Queen Honey Bee: Biology and Apiculture

  • Auteur: Lovleen Marwaha
  • ISBN: 978-981-5079-12-8
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Bentham Science Publishers
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2023
  • Domaine: Pisciculture & Apiculture

The queen honey bee is known to mate with multiple drones, and can produce over a million offspring in its lifetime. Its presence is vital to the growth and survival of a beehive. This reference book is a detailed guide to queen honey bees. The book starts by providing deep insights into the fascinating biologyof the queen honey bees, their morphometric features, developmental synchronicity, genetics, hormones, pheromones, colonial organization and swarming. Further, the book describes artificial queen rearing techniques that facilitate healthy bee colony growth and increase apiculture productivity. The book equips readers with all the knowledge they need to know about queen bee development, their role in the colony and improving the health of their colony. Key Features- 14 reader-friendly chapters that comprehensively present information about queen honey bees- Comprehensive coverage about queen bee biology, including their physical morphology, genetics, proteomics, development and behavior (including worker and drone interactions)- Information about the role of queen bees in colonial organization and life-cycle events- Practical information that helps to improve bee colony health for research and apiculture (disease mechanisms and control, artificial breeding) The book is an essential primary reference on queen honey bees for biology and entomology students, academicians and researchers at all educational levels. Apiculturists, bee keeping enthusiasts, and general readers interested in honey bees can also benefit from the breadth of information presented.


Panorama du développement rural au Niger

  • Auteur: Israël Moussa Boureima
  • ISBN: 978-2-343-17566-9
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: L'Harmattan
  • Ville Edition: Paris
  • Année Edition: 2019
  • Domaine: Sciences Agronomiques, Environnementales et de développement

Cet ouvrage donne une vue d'ensemble du développement rural au Niger et se veut une situation de référence pour l'investissement socialement responsable. Il invite les acteurs du développement durable du monde entier à investir dans ce pays, pour relever, dans une approche globale, les défis du changement climatique (perte accélérée de la biodiversité, raréfaction des ressources, risques sanitaires environnementaux, désertification...)


Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery

  • Auteur: Peter Mattei (editor)
  • ISBN: 978-3-031-07524-7
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: Springer
  • Ville Edition:
  • Année Edition: 2022
  • Domaine: Sciences de la santé

The first two editions of Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery (2011, 2017) were meant to be comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and practical. The 3rd edition builds on this commitment to such time-honored principles with a text that is even more wide-ranging in its content. It has a deeper commitment to relying on the most current scientific evidence, provides additional study materials to aid in comprehension of concepts and for more effective preparation for oral and written examinations, and be accessible through a variety of multimedia platforms for busy surgeons who have less and less time to sit and read a text but who need to understand this important material while on call, on the go, or between cases. The book maintains its easy-to-read, “this is how I do it” style of writing. Each chapter is written by an eminent expert in the field, supplemented with illustrations and photographs that bring the material to life. Each is also enhanced with editor’s comments, suggested readings and references, case studies, and sample questions. The book is available in a high-quality digital version. To further supplement the learning experience for readers who purchase the text, videos, interviews, and lectures are available on-line. This text will continue to be the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and easily accessible pediatric surgery text of its kind, written in a concise and direct style that covers indications, alternatives, anticipated benefits, and potential pitfalls of every pediatric surgical condition and operation and supported by the latest research published in the current literature.


Clinician's guide to violence risk assessment

  • Auteur: MILLS Jeremy F.
  • ISBN:
  • Categorie: Livre
  • Maison Edition: The Guilford Press
  • Ville Edition: New York and London
  • Année Edition: 2011
  • Domaine: Sciences humaines (Philosophie)
