Business Analytics
- Auteur: James R. Evans
- ISBN: 978-0-13-523167-8
- Categorie: Livre
- Maison Edition: Pearson Education
- Ville Edition:
- Année Edition: 2019
- Domaine: Sciences de données
Core Principles of Acute Neurology is a series of short volumes that handles major topics not found in sufficient detail elsewhere and provides useful context. Identifying Neuroemergencies provides practical information how to best manage and triage patients in the first hour of admission in the emergency department. Physicians consider a neurologic emergency when the patient has clearly worsened and their neurologic signs have changed. Correct decisions are imperative: any type of neurocritical illness demands immediate treatment in the emergency department. Neurologist can assist further with the successful triage of the neurologic emergency and this volume in the Core Principles of Acute Neurology will serve as a handy, concise, reference to both the neurologist and the emergency physician.
The 3rd edition strikes a nice balance between mathematical rigor and engineering oriented applications, helping students to understand the mathematical and engineering aspects of control theory. The book makes effective use of the tools provided by MATLAB® (and includes material about using the tools provided by the Python® programming language) in the design and analysis of control systems without allowing the computer-based tools to substitute for knowledge of control theory. The examples in the text are carefully designed to develop the student's intuition — in both mathematics and engineering. With over 90 solved homework problems and about 200 figures, this invaluable title will benefit junior and senior level university students in engineering.
As Web 2.0 matures and grows to Web 3.0 — a decentralized layer atop the present web infrastructure — it's worth reflecting on the early days of the Internet more than 25 years ago. If you're old enough, you may remember the fear and doubt that gripped everyone back then. We recognized the possibilities, but sending credit card information out into the unknown in the hopes of receiving a book or other item, or checking bank balances over the internet, seemed almost insane. These days, we don't give it a second thought. Web 2.0 has become an essential element of our lives and enterprises, simplifying administration in ways we could never have anticipated.