Protocoles en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales
Auteur: CARO Club Anesthésie, Dominique Chassard
Protocoles en anesthésie et analgésie obstétricales
- Auteur: CARO Club Anesthésie, Dominique Chassard
- ISBN: 978-2-294-77362-4
Histoire de l'anesthésie en odontologie: De l'antiquité au début du XXe siècle
Auteur: Pauline Gruber
Histoire de l'anesthésie en odontologie: De l'antiquité au début du XXe siècle
- Auteur: Pauline Gruber
- ISBN: 978-2-343-12362-2
L'origine des douleurs dentaires remonte aux premières caries, il y a 5000 ans, quand l'homme a commencé à cuire les aliments. Cet ouvrage présente l'évolution de la prise en charge des douleurs et de sa perception, des techniques d'anesthésie-analgésie et la pharmacopée développée à travers les siècles.
Réanimation, urgences, anesthésie
Auteur: Vernazobres-Grego
Réanimation, urgences, anesthésie
- Auteur: Vernazobres-Grego
- ISBN: 978-2-81832-466-0
A Clinical Guide to Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Auteur: Joe T. R. Clarke
A Clinical Guide to Inherited Metabolic Diseases
- Auteur: Joe T. R. Clarke
- ISBN: 978-0-521-61499-3
This user-friendly clinical handbook provides a clear and concise overview of how to recognize and diagnose inherited metabolic diseases. The reader is led through the diagnostic process from the identification of those features of an illness suggesting that it might be metabolic through the selection of appropriate laboratory investigation to a final diagnosis. The new edition provides more in-depth coverage on mitochondrial disease and congenital disorders of glycosylation. The chapters on neurological syndrome and newborn screening are greatly expanded, as well as those on laboratory investigation and treatment.
Principles and Practice of the Muscular Dystrophies
Auteur: Pushpa Narayanaswami, Teerin Liewluck
Principles and Practice of the Muscular Dystrophies
- Auteur: Pushpa Narayanaswami, Teerin Liewluck
- ISBN: 978-3-031-44009-0
The field of muscular dystrophies has expanded significantly with the discovery of the genetic defects and protein products underlying these disorders. New treatments such as antisense oligonucleotides and siRNAs and gene therapies are now in clinical application and in trials. As clinical trials increase, outcome measurement becomes very important, and more validated tools are being developed. This book provides a comprehensive review of these disorders. Clinical features, diagnostic testing including genetic testing of these disorders, the basis and utility of genetic testing, and the basis of genetic therapies are all covered in detail. This book will provide neuromuscular neurologists, general neurologists, and neuromuscular fellows with a much needed update in the field.
Principles and Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy
Auteur: Colin Kennedy
Principles and Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy
- Auteur: Colin Kennedy
- ISBN: 978-1-911612-01-8
The scope of the book includes all neurological problems in infancy. In the first half, it sets out in a succinct format the principles of working with families, of clinical assessment, of the use of investigations and treatments, and of evidence-based medicine. The second, symptom-based half of the book provides detailed guidance on the practice of child neurology in infancy. The authors are distinguished experts drawn from all over Europe. The contributors have approached their chapters using an accessible, didactic style and consistent organization of material. The emphasis throughout is on clinical methods, the use of appropriate investigations and treatments, and the avoidance of unnecessary or potentially harmful interventions. For quick reference, all chapters feature boxes highlighting key messages, common errors, and when to worry. The book is designed to be carried round as a handy reference.
Identifying Neuroemergencies
Auteur: Eelco F.M. Wijdicks
Identifying Neuroemergencies
- Auteur: Eelco F.M. Wijdicks
- ISBN: 978–0–19–992879–8
Core Principles of Acute Neurology is a series of short volumes that handles major topics not found in sufficient detail elsewhere and provides useful context. Identifying Neuroemergencies provides practical information how to best manage and triage patients in the first hour of admission in the emergency department. Physicians consider a neurologic emergency when the patient has clearly worsened and their neurologic signs have changed. Correct decisions are imperative: any type of neurocritical illness demands immediate treatment in the emergency department. Neurologist can assist further with the successful triage of the neurologic emergency and this volume in the Core Principles of Acute Neurology will serve as a handy, concise, reference to both the neurologist and the emergency physician.
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology
Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Martin A. Samuels, Joshua P. Klein, Sashank Prasad
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology
- Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Martin A. Samuels, Joshua P. Klein, Sashank Prasad
- ISBN: 978-1-26-426452-0
The definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology-50th Anniversary Edition! For 50 years the field’s gold-standard text, Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology provides up to date treatment and management strategies needed to confidently handle both common and rare neurologic conditions. Presented in full color, this enduring resource meets the needs of today’s aspiring clinician or seasoned professional, and has been hailed as the most detailed, thorough, and authoritative text on the subject. Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, Twelfth Edition features: An evenness of style and a uniform approach to subject matter across subspecialties that allows a quick and easy review of each topic and condition Scholarly discussions that give readers a comprehensive overview of neurologic illnesses Unrivaled coverage of signs and symptoms Evidence based discussions of the full range of therapeutic options available to treat neurologic diseases, including drug therapy and rehabilitation methods Coverage of the most exciting discoveries from modern neuroscience that bear on and explain neurologic diseases and treatments More than 900 full-color, high-quality images and illustrations
Adams And Victor’s Principles Of Neurology
Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Martin A. Samuels, Joshua Klein, Sashank Prasad
Adams And Victor’s Principles Of Neurology
- Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Martin A. Samuels, Joshua Klein, Sashank Prasad
The definitive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and treating neurologic disease – more complete, timely, and essential than ever
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology
Auteur: Allan Ropper, Martin Samuels , Joshua Klein
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology
- Auteur: Allan Ropper, Martin Samuels , Joshua Klein
- ISBN: 978-0-07-179479-4
The definitive text on the full-spectrum of neurology for decades, Adams and Victor's provides the treatment and management strategies needed to confidently handle both common and rare neurologic conditions. Written in a clear, consistent tone, this classic resource will meet the needs of the seasoned professional or the aspiring clinician. Written from the perspective of the general neurologist, Adams and Victor's has been hailed as the most detailed, thorough, and authoritative text available on the subject. Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, Tenth Edition describes the various categories of neurologic disease and the main diseases that constitute each. Each subject is introduced by a detailed discussion of the symptoms and signs of disordered nervous function, their anatomic and physiologic bases, and their clinical implications. Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology is logically divided into six parts: The Clinical Method of Neurology Cardinal Manifestations of Neurologic Disease Growth and Development of the Nervous System in the Neurology of Aging Major Categories of Neurologic Disease Diseases of the Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nerve, and Muscle Psychiatric Disorders The Tenth Edition is highlighted by the welcome addition of full-color photographs, expanded coverage of important subspecialties, and an increased number of tables and figures.
Adams and Victor's principles of neurology
Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Raymond Delacy Adams, Maurice Victor, Robert H. Brown
Adams and Victor's principles of neurology
- Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Raymond Delacy Adams, Maurice Victor, Robert H. Brown
- ISBN: 0-07-146971-0
Adams and Victor's principles of neurology
Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Raymond Delacy Adams, Martin A. Samuels, Maurice Victor
Adams and Victor's principles of neurology
- Auteur: Allan H. Ropper, Raymond Delacy Adams, Martin A. Samuels, Maurice Victor
- ISBN: 978-0-07-170281-2
The definitive guide to the full spectrum of neurology "This is one of the best neurology textbooks available, providing the distilled insights and knowledge of some of today's truly outstanding neurologic clinicians....Like its predecessors, the current edition features writing that is clear and concise, yet conversational—it almost feels as if the reader is on rounds hearing the insights of a truly superb clinician....offers a great deal to the serious student of neurology and is well worth the investment. This outstanding text will continue to be a key resource for neurologists and neurosurgeons, as well as resident trainees in those disciplines. Many practicing internists, emergency physicians, and pediatricians will also find it to be an excellent resource."--JAMA A Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011! 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book should be an essential element in the library of both young and seasoned clinicians....This has always been a successfully balanced textbook, combining a personal approach to the study of neurology and neurologic diseases. This edition, now 1572 pages, expands on the prior editions admirably. It achieves the difficult task of refreshing and updating a classic."--Doody's Review Service "one of the iconic texts in clinical medicine. The fact that it is now in its ninth edition attests to its durability and credibility as a comprehensive source for the pathophysiology, evaluation, and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. First published in 1975, it has withstood the enormous changes in neurological sciences during the subsequent decades and has remained a staple on the reference shelves of practitioners from a variety of backgrounds and training levels....A unique attribute for a volume of this size is that each chapter is written by the same authors, thus achieving a uniformity of voice....As a gold standard text, the ninth edition of Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology would serve as valuable complement to any medical library."--World Neurosurgery Journal Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology provides all the information you will need to confidently handle any neurologic problem, from disorders of motility, and derangements of intellect, behavior, and language, to the degenerative and neuromuscular diseases. Having this gold standard text on your reference shelf is like being able to consult with skilled clinicians on a daily basis. More than a compilation of facts, Adams and Victor's delivers expert insights not found in any other resource that help you understand every aspect of neurological disease. Written in a conversational style, the text offers practical, yet in-depth, coverage of both common and rare illnesses. Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology also includes timely, complete, and accessible treatment and clinical management strategies. FEATURES Balanced presentation of evidence-based research coupled with the perspectives and experience of world-renowned expert neurologists Logical six-part organization reviews the clinical method, cardinal presentations, diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, and psychiatric disorders A-to-Z coverage of cardinal manifestations, including disorders of the special senses; epilepsy and disorders of consciousness; disorders of energy, mood, autonomic, and endocrine functions; and neuromuscular, spinal cord, and psychiatric disease Focus on symptoms, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment offers complete, practical guidance in clinical practice Special section on growth, development, and aging related to neurologic disease presents the latest, cutting-edge research in this integral area