General Medicine and Surgery: Medical Student Revision Guide
- Auteur: Rebecca Richardson, Ricky Ellis
Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery
- Auteur: Peter Mattei (editor)
- ISBN: 978-3-031-07524-7
The first two editions of Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery (2011, 2017) were meant to be comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and practical. The 3rd edition builds on this commitment to such time-honored principles with a text that is even more wide-ranging in its content. It has a deeper commitment to relying on the most current scientific evidence, provides additional study materials to aid in comprehension of concepts and for more effective preparation for oral and written examinations, and be accessible through a variety of multimedia platforms for busy surgeons who have less and less time to sit and read a text but who need to understand this important material while on call, on the go, or between cases. The book maintains its easy-to-read, “this is how I do it” style of writing. Each chapter is written by an eminent expert in the field, supplemented with illustrations and photographs that bring the material to life. Each is also enhanced with editor’s comments, suggested readings and references, case studies, and sample questions. The book is available in a high-quality digital version. To further supplement the learning experience for readers who purchase the text, videos, interviews, and lectures are available on-line. This text will continue to be the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and easily accessible pediatric surgery text of its kind, written in a concise and direct style that covers indications, alternatives, anticipated benefits, and potential pitfalls of every pediatric surgical condition and operation and supported by the latest research published in the current literature.
ORL Ophtalmologie Chirurgie maxillo-faciale
- Auteur: Vernazobres-Grego (editor)
- ISBN: 978-2-81832-457-8
Biomedical technology and devices
- Auteur: James E. Moore, Jr., Duncan J. Maitland
- ISBN: 978-1-4398-6061-8
Biomedical Technology and Devices, Second Edition focuses on the equipment, devices, and techniques used in modern medicine to diagnose, treat, and monitor human illnesses. Gathering together and compiling the latest information available on medical technology, this revised work adds ten new chapters. It starts with the basics, introducing the history of the thermometer and measuring body temperature, before moving Read more...
Geriatric Ophthalmology
- Auteur: Andrew G. Lee et Hilary Beaver
- ISBN: 978-1-4419-0014-2
As the Baby Boom generation ages, an increased need for geriatric specialty care becomes particularly important. This shift will especially affect ophthalmology, as the occurrence of common visual disorders such as cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy increases with age This book anticipates this pending and inevitable demographic shift and fulfills the need for a practical, "bread-and-butter" approach to Geriatric Ophthalmology.
Applications of Biotechnology in Cardiovascular Therapeutics
- Auteur: Kewal K. Jain
- ISBN: 978-1-61779-240-3
Ce rapport rassemble des extraits des divers écrits de l'auteur sur les sujets biotechnologiques liés aux maladies cardiovasculaires. Très justement le rapport a été rédigé au cours de la semaine où l'auteur se remettait d'une chirurgie de pontage cardiaque à l'hôpital universitaire de Bâle, Suisse. Il est destiné aux médecins, chirurgiens et scientifiques travaillant sur les troubles cardiovasculaires.
- Auteur: Martial G. Bourassa, Jean-Claude Tardif
- ISBN: -
Un apport suffisant en antioxydants est également suggéré pour interférer de manière bénéfique avec les MCV en éteignant les ROS Les vitamines et minéraux antioxydants, tels que les vitamines A, E et C, et le zinc peuvent ralentir le développement et la progression des maladies cardiovasculaires.
AIDS and Heart Disease
- Auteur: Ronald Ross Watson
- ISBN: 0-203-02189-4
Ce livre fournit des revues vitales et actualisées des mécanismes par lesquels le VIH infecte les cellules cibles (cellules endothéliales), endommage le cœur et les systèmes vasculaires associés, et facilite les effets destructeurs d'autres agents pathogènes. De plus, le côté cardiotoxique les effets des thérapies actuelles contre le SIDA, tels que les changements dans la graisse corporelle, doivent être expliqués et les idées pour leur médiation doivent être soigneusement examinées. Ce livre, alors, servira de bureau référence pour les chercheurs sur le sida et les maladies cardiovasculaires ainsi que pour les médecins de soins primaires.
- Auteur: Richard M. Millis
- ISBN: 978-953-307-902-8
Electrocardiograms have become one of the most important, and widely used medical tools for diagnosing diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, conduction disorders, electrolyte imbalances, hypertension, coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction This book reviews recent advancements in electrocardiography The four sections of this volume, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Myocardial Infarction, Autonomic Dysregulation and Cardiotoxicology, provide comprehensive reviews of advancements in the clinical applications of electrocardiograms This book is replete with diagrams, recordings, flow diagrams and algorithms which demonstrate the possible future direction for applying electrocardiography to evaluating the development and progression of cardiac diseases The chapters in this book describe a number of unique features of electrocardiograms in adult and pediatric patient populations with predilections for cardiac arrhythmias and other electrical abnormalities associated with hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, sleep apnea syndromes, pericarditides, cardiomyopathies and cardiotoxicities, as well as innovative interpretations of electrocardiograms during exercise testing and electrical pacing.
- ISBN: 978-0387-25404-3
L'adrénomédulline dans les maladies cardiovasculaires est une revue à jour des aspects les plus pertinents de l'adrénomédulline. Il englobe un large éventail de domaines, notamment la biochimie, la biologie moléculaire, la physiologie, la pharmacologie, la physiopathologie des maladies cardiovasculaires et les applications cliniques de l'adrénomédulline aux maladies cardiovasculaires.
Soins infirmiers : santé mentale et psychiatrie
- Auteur: Yvon Brassard, Hélène Gousse, Éric Lavertu -
- ISBN: 978-2-7650-4991-3
Soins infirmiers : pédiatrie
- Auteur: Marilyn J. Hockenberry, David Wilson, Cheryl C. Rodgers
- ISBN: 978-2-7650-5640-9