cart-product-1 New Architecture and Technology Auteur: Gyula Sebestyen, Christopher Pollington

ISBN: 0 7506 5164 4

Maison Ed.: Architectural Press

Ville Ed.: Amsterdam

Année Ed.: 2003

Domaine: Sciences et technologies (GC, GE, AR...)

Rayon: S

Catégorie: Livre

New Architecture and Technology traces the interrelationship between technological development and building design.• Understand the influence of technology through examples of contemporary buildings • Learn from the practical evaluation of successes and failures in modern architecture• Take inspiration from the explanation of current design trendsThe book explains how buildings and cities have evolved to meet the needs of people who use the latest technology. Not only do architects plan and design using newly-developed computer software, but their structures are built with modern construction techniques and continually-improving materials. Covering the full range of technologies from material science to telecommunications, this book explains the face of the contemporary city and points the way to future developments in architectural design.

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