cart-product-1 General Average and Risk Management in Medieval and Early Modern Maritime Business Auteur: Maria Fusaro, Andrea Addobbati, Luisa Piccinno

ISBN: 978-3-031-04118-1

Maison Ed.: Palgrave Macmillan

Ville Ed.:

Année Ed.: 2023

Domaine: Management

Rayon: F

Catégorie: Livre

This open access book explores the history of risk management in medieval and early modern European maritime business, focusing particularly on 'General Average' – a mechanism by which extraordinary expenses regarding ship or cargo, incurred during a voyage to save the venture, are shared between all participants to protect equity. This volume traces the history of this risk management tool from its origins in the pre-Roman Mediterranean through to its use in the shipping sector today. Contributions range from the Islamic Mediterranean to the Low Countries, and taken together, provide a wide-ranging analysis of social, cultural, and political aspects of pre-modern maritime commerce in Europe.

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